Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

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Sprint 1.3: The Design Principles of Adaptable Organizations

Sprint 1.3 is now complete. Read the synthesis of the design principles of adaptability here.

During Sprint 1.1 and Sprint 1.2 the hackathon team developed a comprehensive list of 120 enemies of adaptability, and provided input on those that were particularly pressing.  Based on this input, we’ve identified 12 critical enemies of adaptability, which are detailed in this blog post from Hackathon Guide Chris Grams.

During Sprint 1.3, which will end on June 5, we are going to identify the design rules, or principles, that characterize truly adaptable organizations.  These principles will provide important clues for generating ideas on how to “hack” HR, something we’ll turn to after this Sprint ends on June 5.

Here are your tasks for this sprint:

TASK 1:  Get oriented by reading the introductory blog post Embracing New Principles by Gary Hamel. 

TASK 2:  In the section below, we’ve seeded a list with several principles—you can think of these as the features that define truly adaptable organizations.  We’re looking for your input on…

  1. Which of these principles are most important—and why?  Let us know by “liking” and commenting on these (feel free to build off the ideas of others).
  2. Are there other principles you’d add to this list?  Please share your principle here.

Note: you must be logged in to submit a new principle or to comment on an existing principle.

This sprint ends on June 5.
mugil-manivannan's picture

For accepting the change or to adapt change, the factor of fitness is the foremost which is to be evaluated. Fitness of an organization is more a capacity to conduct certain processes and therefore to change. The Organization should be fit by financial, men power, and by many other factors too....

giuseppe-gerardo-ciarambino's picture

-great minded men always eager to get in the game

-genuine governance

-stakeholder economy

-knowledge management

-systems ...

My source of inspiration is Victor Frankel's book " Man's search for meaning" . I believe it is a must read for HR professionals and all leaders. In the age of "informing ourselves to death" (credit belongs to my teacher Prof. Neil Postman) people drown in data and information and...

By Edna Pasher on May 28, 2022

Organizations adapt effectively when learning continuously and even more effectively when learning from failures. Often times organizations do not know what they know thereby losing precious time to adapt when opportunities are sensed.

neelesh-marik's picture

The probability function of adaptability is likely to rise if all 4 aspects are addressed simultaneously, so that there is a self-reinforcing, virtuous loop created:

1) Behaviour: Principles of Action Inquiry, which lead to considered, timely action in a context of mutuality and transformation.

2) Systems and Processes: Principles...

By Neelesh Marik on May 28, 2022
andy-lippok's picture

This principle is based on the work and insights of Deming, Ohno, Scholtes, Seddon, and many others, and is about all of us recognising that similar to entities in nature and indeed all of the natural world, a human organisation is a highly complex adaptive system in it's own right. The key insight here...

By Andy Lippok on May 28, 2022
julien-pascual's picture

To be adaptable companies must sense the outside world do dectect the need to adapt. they must see themseves as a part of a large ecosystem of clients,  suppliers, partners, contractors, government, etc. and must continuoulsy sense what is happening outside and bring it in to feed inside with reasons...

By Julien Pascual on May 28, 2022
mix-administrator's picture

As change accelerates, authoritarian power structures will become ever more untenable.  In traditional hierarchies, power flows down from the top, rather than up from the bottom.  This model encourages managers to safeguard their careers by “managing up,” rather than by managing out and down.  It also produces misalignments between positional...

mix-administrator's picture

Traditional control systems ensure high levels of compli­ance but do so at the expense of employee creativity, entre­preneurship, and engagement. Tomorrow’s control systems will need to rely more on peer review and less on top-down supervision. The goal: organizations filled with employees who are fully capable of self-discipline....

mix-administrator's picture

To intercept opportunities that come and go at lightning speed, organizations must be able to quickly reconfigure capabilities, infrastructure, and resources. Unfortunately, in many organizations, rigid unit boundaries, functional silos, and political fiefdoms hamper the rapid realignment of skills and assets. To become more adaptable, companies must organize themselves into...
