Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

monique-jordan_1's picture

Positions (and accompanying titles) are reflective of the rigid, hierarchical, fear-ridden and overly centralized organizations that [irrespective of the organization and by themselves] both set-up and reinforce non-adaptive behavior.  What if we did away with traditional positions (and related titles) and replaced them with role names that reflected the value-added contribution...

By Monique Jordan on June 11, 2022
bruce-lewin's picture

There is no shortage of concepts, skills and models within HR, all of which aim to raise performance, engagement or both. While many are well researched have been around for 20 or more years, it's hard to find good examples of their evolution. Many of these ideas and...

By Bruce Lewin on June 8, 2022
bruce-lewin's picture

Change management and change initiatives in the broadest sense of the word are typically a combination of formal and informal activities and processes. Whilst change has traditionally been driven in a top-down fashion, new tools and techniques are emerging that help create a complementary, bottom-up approach. Methods such as ...

By Bruce Lewin on June 8, 2022