Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

keith-gulliver's picture

A disconnect between day-to-day operational activities and the overall strategy

By Keith Gulliver on May 13, 2022

Here are some signs of a strategic-operational disconnect:

  • There is no clear, single direction for the organization, no shared vision.

  • Functions compete with each other and do not work as a team.

  • There are no overall organizational indicators of success.

  • The customer has multiple points of contact with the organization not one.

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perry-timms_1's picture

Hi Keith I'm going to back you on this. The lack of clear alignment between whatever job people are doing and the overall purpose of the organisation is down to some ineffective communication has been my experience too.

It's simple conversational practice between job holders and their managers to review why they do what they do (purpose) how well they should do it (mastery) and what the conditions they need to do it well (support and autonomy).

When I held my nerve and firmly encouraged my team and then other managers / teams to adopt this approach, the connect to organisational strategy for day-to-day tasks was made and it made a difference. It especially helped in not getting seduced into others' "pet projects" that had little or no strategic objective / innovation quotient.

Again appreciate the hack thinking and sharing here Keith.

michele-zanini_4's picture

Hi Keith, thanks for taking the time for submitting this (and several other) thoughtful contributions. Was curious on your take of what might be behind the disconnect between operational activities and the overall strategy--in other words, could you trace the signs of such disconnect to some root cause?

thanks again


keith-gulliver's picture

Hi Michele - thanks for the comment and the question. I think the answer is quite simple: ineffective communication.