Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

ian-davidson's picture

Reward mechanisms credit the status quo, not change

By Ian Davidson on May 13, 2022

The vast majority of organisations reward outcomes are based on maintenance of the status quo.  Reward is seldom if ever given for destructive creativity or challenging existing systems and ideologies.   The rational behaviour model works by people maximising their outcomes – therefore it creates and environment of risk aversion and support for the “party line”.

An interesting question is how would we reward people for adaptability?  How would it be measured and what are the KPI’s?

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greg-stevenson's picture

Is it fair that a well thought out argument is not given the time of day because it threatens entrenched positions?
Is it fair that your weight, sex, race, mean you are starting from behind the pack?
Just maybe a component of reward systems should emulate the randomness of life?

perry-timms_1's picture

Thanks Ian - like the blog a lot and have referred this via twitter to my followers and the @CIPDHack twitter account which means we have more than one place to refer to the link and capture the content.

Hope that's OK with you and yes, spark a wider debate. You have a lot of likes - that shows it's getting good attention.

All the best


ian-davidson's picture

Thanks Perry.
I have written a blog seeking the reward communities input to the reward perspective on the issue at
Hopefully this will spark a wider debate, not to mention awareness of the good work

perry-timms_1's picture

I am up for anything like this Ian - where the challenge is for us to incentivise the thinking and acting that makes a difference not just preserves our status quo. I agree we could look at how we measure and even put KPIs on things like adaptability, attitudes and approaches to change and even disruptive innovation and positive deviance.

I wonder if - as a result of these hacks - we will start to build some new measures, some success criteria for adaptable people, teams and organisations and look at deploying them to give us new values-instruments/reporting lines.

Innovation; bravery all these things count and attitudes and behaviours on these (as we know) are as valuable as following protocols. Protocols that are designed for diligence where it is needed (handling customer funds) and for compliance where that is the ultimate standard (like safety on oil rigs).

Surely we have enough brains and where-with-all to build some new, valid, reliable and meaningful measures of success in these areas..?

Thanks for dropping this in - like the way you've hacked into reward with this and now we need to think some more on this.

All the best