Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

peter-cheese's picture

Peter Cheese: The Enemies of Adaptability (Video)

By Peter Cheese on May 8, 2022

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perry-timms_1's picture

It's been said time and again, we appear to be working in a structure STILL a lot like industrialised; manufacturing-based Taylorism. Our good friend Fons Trompenaars had something when he described the development of organisations' culture from incubator through family stage, to guided missile then "Eiffel tower". All part of growth, evolution and changing circumstances yet there clearly needs to be a modern fusion of skunk works used by Lockheed within the benefits of scale large organisations bring through processing and use of assets. And all this whilst maintaining an ethical, human and cost effective way. I using the term splicing. Splicing technology and people; digital and analogue; human and mechanical to gain maximum advantage. What we do know is the barriers to adaptability are many as Peter highlighted is this video. We have a lot of work to do.

Nothing to disagree with there....So far :-)