Hacking HR to Build an Adaptability Advantage

Tagged "lack of autonomy"

giuseppe-gerardo-ciarambino's picture

Employees lose energy in controlling payroll, vacation, positions and asking for an explanation of variations that seem unjustified.

Coming from an era of efficiency and predictability, we tried to create the perfect plans in a culture that prescribed to be right all the time. Before decisions are made, we want to eliminate all risks. This resulted in organizational structures based upon specialization and continuous improvement within that specialization....

By Perry Nouwens on May 13, 2022

If those people on the "front line" feel disconnected from the organisation, then they are unlikely to be welcoming of any new initiatives which come along.  Embracing the resource that is crucial to the successful implementation of change is vital.  Organisations need to engage with these people more, get them involved and...

By Jo Kehoe on May 9, 2022

The web has fundamentally changed the relationship between organisations and their customers, but has thinking and practice of how we lead and manage people responded ?  (Many) organisations have lost the control they once had over customers - buyers have far more information to inform their choice, and users have...

By Peter Russian on May 9, 2022
julian-birkinshaw's picture

The first insights into changes in your business environment come from the people on the “front line” – salespeople, developers working with third parties, purchasing managers. But their voice –if it is raised at all—typically gets drowned out among all the others clamouring for top executive attention.  The solutions here...