Vice President at Media 1

Hackathon Public Profile

2 years 7 months ago
I've had the chance to work with Rich and Menlo on a project and I've been a fan ever since. Can't wait to grab the book! More
2 years 10 months ago
I sent in the hack Monday the 12th but I don't see it here, Was I suposed to do something different? More
2 years 11 months ago
Measurement comes in many forms, HR is often the gate keeper of measuring their own effectiveness, and through performance management, the "effectiveness" of people. What HR often fails to to do is to... More
2 years 11 months ago
Thank you John, Happy to have you aboard the team. More
3 years 1 week ago
I assume you mean how do we structure a situation inside a corporate entity to define what metrics will be used and what they are comprised of? One way or another you have to build enough credibility ... More
3 years 1 week ago
There's a whole evolution of being able to use metrics, but we have to start somewhere. My other mini hack is to gain a meaningful Total Cost of Workforce TCOW metric as a baseline. Leveraging that as... More
3 years 1 week ago
The problem with calling it "big" data is that it implies that big means more when really all we wanted all along was "better" data. Having data never forces you to do anything about it, and certainly... More
3 years 1 week ago
Now were talking! When we start getting predictive and using data to anticipate changes in market conditions, that is the very definition of adaptability. This is not a quick or easy thing to get into... More
3 years 1 week ago
TCOW or Total Cost Of Workforce in and of itself is meaningless, however it is absolutely fundamental to almost every metric calculation that show movement in investments in people, or Return on Peopl... More
3 years 1 week ago
You are right. We can't be taken seriously as strategic thinkers if we don't have the basic level of control-based processes and services firmly handled, executed, and continuously improving. It is fu... More
3 years 1 week ago
Right on! we need to encourage the hard questions. If you aren't solving problems, you aren't providing strategic value. If you aren't providing strategic value, you are providing a service that gets ... More
3 years 1 week ago
This one caught my eye. I've been doing some mini hacking of my own with my friends by asking what they thought of HR at their organizations, and overwhelmingly i got the back that not only that they ... More
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Embracing the principles of Autonomy & Trust and Openess & Transparency, this hack aims to establish the credibility and value of HR as a business partner by adapting the language and measurem

TCOW or Total Cost Of Workforce in and of itself is meaningless, however it is absolutely fundamental to almost every metric calculation that show movement in investments in people, or Return on People (ROP). It's also very difficult to calculate without agreement from HR, finance, and line of business on...

Looking at the principles of Autonomy & Trust and Openess & Transparency, my mini hack aims to to establish the credibility and value of HR as a business partner by adapting the language and measurment principles of  the core business.  As long as HR continues to measure itself with the...

As many here have pointed out, there is a maturity continum that all HR organizations must grow through. It starts with a control and transaction based serivice model that only reacts to business.  Largely seen as a center of cost, the business sees little value in agility of a immature...