The Busting Bureaucracy Hackathon

Tagged "decision making"

I see bureaucracy in force when the focus of our work is abiding by a specific time window (730 a.m. 430 p.m.), instead of achieving specific and measureable goals in pursuit of strategic objectives. God help you if you're late, but it's okay to sit around all day with nothing...

By Jeremiah McCloud on March 28, 2022

Detailed processes directing employees what do and how to act in performing their jobs, which creates organization friction

By Phil Weinzimer on March 24, 2022

Decision making in relation to finalising plans and progressing action. it has to be approved through four layers, all of them inefficient and time poor.
Layers of plans that have to be considered in any decision that is made-there can be up to eight different plans that need to...

By Monica Redden on March 12, 2022