The Busting Bureaucracy Hackathon


Answer by jack-sim on May 3, 2014, 6:34 pm

By Jack Sim on May 3, 2022
There is a spelling error in your discussions: It's BUREAUCRAZY. I came up with a 4 Jacks Maxim of Bureaucrazy Behavior Jack #1: REJECT. Innovative Ideas = Not Status Quo = Risk & Extra Work = Reject as a Default as it saves Time and Trouble. Jack #2: EJECT. Innovative ideas might straddles many departments or agencies. To divert the innovator, they send you to other departments for a Run-around hoping to achieve Work Avoidance. Jack #3: DEJECT. If the Innovator persists, DRAIN HIS BATTERY by giving neither Yes nor No Answers. Make him wait with Hollywood style: " Don't call us. We'll call you". Jack #4: HIJACK. If the idea eventually gets some support from your Superiors, Hijack the idea and claim credit and success for your career development. Bureaucrazy worse than corruption because it is ubitquitous and it is a substrate for corruption to grow on. To solve this problem, we need to transform Rules-Based Bureaucrats into Mission-Driven workers. To acheive this we need to redesign the incentives to put Mission above Rules. To allow breaking of rules when it obstruct the Mission and reward people who took the initiatives. To punish those who insisted on the Rules even though they knew it violates the Mission.

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