The Busting Bureaucracy Hackathon


Answer by jack-sim on May 3, 2014, 6:34 pm

By Jack Sim on May 3, 2022
Lovers and Prostitutes: A bureaucrats may be a Lover at home. He is a multi-skilled worker who loves his family, spouse, home and took charge of every aspect of the household. If his home was a country he'd be the Ministers of Finance, Home Affairs, Education, Defence, Health, Transport, Culture, etc.. But at the office, the same person can become a Prostitute who does not enjoy his work and simply sell his body to the office for 8 hours a day for money. Why is this so common in government, big companies and universities? It's the incentives is not there for full ownership and accountability for the Mission. The Mother Model: A mother took ownership of the Mission ( the child) and guarantee its success regardless of degree of difficulties. We can design the Autonomy and Meaning into the work by aligning his work to the Mission everyday. We have to recruit for Best Fit Competency to job and let him evolve into a Mother of the Mission.

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