Hackathon Public Profile

3 years 9 months ago
Yes, technology has the potential to help us bust bureaucracy (and yes, it also has the potential to help us achieve the exact opposite, at least for a while). Dual-use, if you will, depending on the ... More
3 years 10 months ago
Want to find bureaucracy? Meetings are a great place to look. As Peter Drucker wrote in "The Effective Executive": "The more overstaffed an organization, the more it relies on meetings" and "Sitti... More
3 years 10 months ago
Another pernicious effect of bureaucracy is that it lulls people in. After a while, it becomes "comfortable" to hide behind bureaucratic rules. They become the perfect excuse to dodge personal respons... More
3 years 10 months ago
"I’ve seen far too many projects fail because the execution and commitment to move true innovation forward takes a long time. For many organizations, this requires them to free themselves from the b... More
3 years 10 months ago
Thanks Michele. In a way, the traditional organizational structure of a corporation, i.e. the pyramid, is the culprit. When companies grow, managers get added as you mentioned. They need people that r... More
3 years 10 months ago
I found that bureaucracy correlates positively with the size of an institution and/or corporation: The bigger an institution and/or corporation, the more bureaucracy there is. Large institutions becom... More
3 years 10 months ago
Accountability is another important factor. Hannah Arendt called bureaucracy the most terrible rule, because individual humans can't be held responsible anymore. Bureaucracy is the "rule by Nobody". More
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"I’ve seen far too many projects fail because the execution and commitment to move true innovation forward takes a long time. For many organizations, this requires them to free themselves from the bureaucratic details and measurements. Short-term planning and maintaining the status quo, to put it simply, stifle innovation so...

By Achim Muellers on April 3, 2022

I found that bureaucracy correlates positively with the size of an institution and/or corporation: The bigger an institution and/or corporation, the more bureaucracy there is. Large institutions become increasingly inflexible and risk averse, because they have this unfortunate tendency to overvalue what they own and focus on what they may...

By Achim Muellers on April 1, 2022