Help to manage our work, develop our people, and enable our people to do their job well. at A conglomeration of (consultant) entrepreneurs linked by a large company and bound by common systems.

Hackathon Public Profile

3 years 5 months ago
Exactly - you put it much better than I did! I cannot claim originality for it. Check out and view the ratings/comments for a few books. Also check out their Listopia, which is a litt... More
3 years 5 months ago
Excellent points - well taken. Another thing I have learned, no matter what company I am in, or position I am in - The first question to ask is "What is the right thing to do?" This requires steppin... More
3 years 5 months ago
Taking an idea from the Goodreads website, users/readers rate resources from 0-5 stars, allowing an area for comments.  Folks can share how helpful (or not) an idea, process, or external book or ... More
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Taking an idea from the Goodreads website, users/readers rate resources from 0-5 stars, allowing an area for comments.  Folks can share how helpful (or not) an idea, process, or external book or website are.

In addition, participants are allowed to create lists of suggestion requests and get others to contribute...

By David Williams on March 26, 2022