The Busting Bureaucracy Hackathon

Phase 3: Ideas for Busting Bureaucracy (Part 1)

Ditch formality

Instead of hording control of your budget, allow every employee to have discretionary control (and thereby responsibility) for a slice of the pie. The one area that is the scourge or bane of creativity is that every time you have a crazy idea, you have to run it by the...

By Aaron Anderson on June 8, 2022

Processes, procedures and comportments have to proof their value to the business.
Formality may have its benefits, but they have to be made explicit and the value has to be bullet proof. The costs of formality like decreased agility, flexibility, poor customer service, hidden costs etc have to be...

By Erwin Pfuhler on June 8, 2022

Limit Meetings-- No meeting must last for an hour. It is a commonly accepted standard which wastes hundred of ours. 1) Have a pre-published agenda, 2) No meeting can be scheduled on the hour or any 10 minute increment thereof, 3) No meeting can last more than 36 minutes, 4)...

By timothy dibble on June 1, 2022