The Busting Bureaucracy Hackathon


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In the current phase of the hackathon, we’re working to define the attributes of the post-bureaucratic organization—what new management practices can provide an alternative to the bureaucratic model of top-down control and formal rules and procedures?

In a paragraph or less, please share your idea for an alternative approach that could replace an existing bureaucratic management practice (or "like" one or more of the existing contributions below).

Hint: when trying to imagine alternatives, you might find it easier to pick an existing management practice, for example strategy development or performance reviews. Then share a new approach that you believe might more efficiently or effectively replace the existing practice. You can also get some additional context and inspiration by reading Gary Hamel’s latest blog. Please share your ideas by May 16.


chris-grams's picture

Fluid Internal Movement/Skills Market: People leading projects can advertise for the help they need on an internal skills market and employees can quickly apply to join/participate in/help out on projects for which they have relevant skills without requiring formal transfers or reorganization.

By Chris Grams on April 28, 2022
gary-hamel's picture

Everyone gets to see the “big picture” as trends and developments around the world get tagged and shared across the enterprise.

By Gary Hamel on April 28, 2022
gary-hamel's picture

Tough business challenges get crowd-sourced to the entire organization.

By Gary Hamel on April 26, 2022
gary-hamel's picture

Boundary-spanning “communities of passion” spontaneously self-assemble around promising initiatives with little need for top-down direction.

By Gary Hamel on April 26, 2022
gary-hamel's picture

There are no gatekeepers and no “channels” to go through since individuals can easily find and connect with virtually anyone who has relevant expertise and experience.

By Gary Hamel on April 26, 2022
gary-hamel's picture

Control is achieved through shared objectives and transparency, rather than through air-tight rules and oversight.

By Gary Hamel on April 26, 2022
gary-hamel's picture

Associates get real-time feedback on their performance from customers and peers, which enables self-management instead of manager-management.

By Gary Hamel on April 26, 2022
