Talent Manager at eSift

Hackathon Public Profile

3 years 2 months ago
Attract adaptable people by designing jobs with an emphasis on the organisational culture and by innovating competency assessments. Too often job descriptions and adverts describe only a small snippet... More
3 years 3 months ago
HR need to change employee perspectives of change from fear to excitement in the new opportunities which lie ahead. Employees need be encouraged to come away from their comfort zones on a regular basi... More
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debbie-stivala's picture
Attract adaptable people by designing jobs with an emphasis on the organisational culture and by innovating competency assessments.
By Debbie Stivala on July 17, 2021
debbie-stivala's picture

Attract adaptable people by designing jobs with an emphasis on the organisational culture and by innovating competency assessments. Too often job descriptions and adverts describe only a small snippet of the company culture with the remainder focused on the tasks and candidate criteria. Assessment methods are not always drilling down...

By Debbie Stivala on June 12, 2022