
This sprint ends October 14.

In Sprint 1, we provided new labels for what might replace performance management in a Management 2.0 world and described the key characteristics of our new visions.

In a recent blog post MIX Community member Bjarte Bogsnes has analyzed many of the submissions from Sprint 1 and offers up some of his perspectives here.

Now we want to hear from you. For Sprint 2, we have three tasks:

Task 1: Vote for the most compelling definitions.

Browse the entries below and vote for those you find most compelling. To vote, click on the “Like” button in the upper right-hand corner of each hack page. Vote for as many entries as you like. If there are particular themes you know you are interested in exploring, you can filter the list of entries using the "Filter by Keyword" drop down below.

Task 2: Build on the definitions you like most.

Once you’ve voted, if you have suggestions that might make one or more definitions even better, please share them in the comments section below the entry. Feel free to suggest combinations of ideas from more than one entry as well.

Task 3: Volunteer to join a hacking team.

We’ve been so overwhelmed by the number of thoughtful entries (almost 60 at last count) that we are considering whether to add a follow-on sprint to the end of this hackathon in which we’d develop some of the best definitions into full hacks for the MIX. If you’d like to volunteer to continue developing any of the definitions you see here (including your own!), please add a comment saying “I’d like to volunteer to develop this definition further” in the conversation below the entry. We'll provide more information once Sprint 2 is complete.

    6 days 6 hours ago by Arun
    In this model each individual is encouraged to declare his / her dedication to the team / organizations value creation in terms of metrics (e.g. scale of 1 - 10). The measurement could vary depending on the type of contribution (e.g. revenue earners, Oper...
    6 days 6 hours ago by Prasad Reddy
    Modelled in the lines of definition of Ecosystem, PEES will be a system with subsystems like Training, Leadership Quality of the people who lead , Compensation and benefits based on the individual competency, Rewards & Recognition.Each subsy...
    6 days 6 hours ago by Sankar
    Performance is okay, as long as it is whole and all round. Imagine employees walking to the Monday morning meeting with a jobs-to-do sheet that contains a set of formal and informal responsibilities or action items they have based on their: personal,...
    6 days 6 hours ago by christopher yates
    Focus First on the purpose of the organisation.  There is an assumption in my model that this is clear and that it is defined beyond proft / growth.  How does the individual associate with this purpose?  Is it part of their journey?  W...
    6 days 6 hours ago by Al Jones
    ICSA changes the organizational structure by putting the "Individual" as the center of the organiaztion. It breaks the traditional heiarchical structure of every performance system Ihave heard of. It relies heavily on the competence of the individual to g...
    6 days 6 hours ago by Jonathan Winter
    People do their best work when inspired (rather than managed) to perform. They need to be informed of their managers and organisation's intent, given space to achieve in their own way, and supported by others. Much of this happens in conversations, especi...
    6 days 7 hours ago by Rob Bartlett
    My model is not a radical change. the organization would continue to set goals that can be traced back to strategic plan and tied to the balance sheet. I would eliminate the formal performance review. In it's place at least 66% of at risk compensation wou...
    6 days 7 hours ago by Isaiah McPeak
    Continuous Learning as a model looks at every part of your company, from end-to-end, upside down, inside out—and it does it all the time. The only way to accomplish this task is with software, which must therefore be intuitive if not fun. Here's a speci...
    6 days 7 hours ago by Carlos Primera
    The difference is the respect for the individual, continuous training, the local autonomy of the employee, without losing sight of organizational goals.a) Respect the employee as an individual and as a professionalb) continuously train employees in the pe...
    6 days 7 hours ago by Louis Dietvorst
    Traditional performance management is dominantly based on the construct of KPI's - Key Performance Indicators and the illusion of control (yes, control is an illusion, ask Adi Da Samray...). By believing the way to 'manage' performance is in gathering, vi...